If you went to the Our Pack Party last night, you might look like this today!
124 people arrived and we made almost $6400.00. The best part was the heartwarming support from friends and loved ones of Our Pack. Thanks to all......
Many Special Thanks go to Rebecca MacDonald for working her magic with Promotions & Registration. See her blog, Cogent Communications Blog: www.serialreinvention.com Thanks to Julie and Tom Heijza who organized and ran the Silent Auction and Raffle. And Julie, thank you so much for serving folks too! Thanks to Christine Rivera of Destino Spa www.destinospa.net for providing items for auction and parting gifts and bringing along Emmanuel for the lovely photography.
Thanks to Sherri MacDonald who promoted & donated.Thank You to Kevin Riley, Alicia Nachman and Anna Morey for handling our registration table and nicely greeting people at the door.
Thank you to Mary West for being such a great all around help. Thanks Mary Campbell, you're always there...always!
Thanks to Stephanie Lam www.studiopet.com for her help promoting & donating your fantastic artwork. Thanks to Michelle Wise for getting drinks to the folks when needed. And Thanks to Humane Society of Silicon Valley (www.hssv.org) for their outpouring of support, as well as Society Dog www.societydog.com , Beschoff Mercedes http://www.beshoffmotorcars.com/events.htm
Thank you to the good folks of Santa Cruz Shelter, Oakland Animal Services and Humane Society Silicon Valley for coming and showing your support. Thanks to my good friend Gale Frey of MuttsnStuff www.muttsnstuff.com for coming and making us laugh and sharing your wisdom with us.
I'd especially like to thank Mitch and Tracey Cutler and all the staff of La Fondue for hosting this fantastic and heartwarming event. Couldn't have done it without you. www.lafondue.com I hope I haven't missed anyone. Thanks to you if I did....we love you!
We had a good time and met some nice people at a great event!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for coming and showing your support Maria! Great to see you there!