Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Denver Post Column on Breed ID Study Misses the Point

Scary. This Denver Post article makes the point of not banning breeds that have been ID'd the 'eye ball' way BUT "needlessly killing....". Gaw, do we need to needlessly kill ANY breed? There is NO aggressive BREED! Not! Are they saying if they WERE Pit Bulls then it wouldn't be needless?

Read the article here:


  1. well, in the context of the Denver Post, which has been in favor of the pit bull ban there for YEARS, even having the discussion that people can't id breeds correctly is a positive development. It might enter their tiny little brains that this means that thousands of dogs have been killed for no reason whatsoever. From which it might follow that, hey, maybe dogs should be judged by behavior, not appearance...

  2. Yes, this IS improvement. We can't judge by eyeballing.

  3. Cant ANYBODY in Denver REALLY identify a true American Pit Bull Terrier and it's relatives correctly?

  4. I have no words, I'm so angry. I learned a bunch of new things from this post. It is sad, but at least it reminds us that there are people out there who keep fighting for our rights.

  5. another scary thing is that 2 state supreme courts (Colorado and Ohio) have ruled that it basically doesn't really matter if the identification is wrong, and that localities have the discretion to kill dogs whatever...
