We have had the good fortune of great media surrounding our dogs in recent
years. Most reputable reporters will check quotes with us for accuracy and have
no intention of throwing pit bulls under the bus or any other breeds, to
"defend" pit bulls, under the bus either.
However, once in a blue moon, unfortunately, we still see reporters trying
to make a career for themselves or help sell their paper by misquoting or
twisting statements to turn the pit bull image into something it isn't.
This is a photo of Posie. She's our spokesdog for our, Don't Judge, Learn
campaign. She looks like what most folks would call a pit bull. Without meeting
her, knowing her or taking in a full view of her personality, many things can be
said to defame her and a breed that she may, or may not, even
be... Well, without media hype she is a dog and family member.
Thank you for supporting our page so we can continue to represent
the dogs, factually, without being misquoted, and with correct representation.
Please share!
Also, see National Canine Research Council for ACCURATE info http://www.nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/dogbites/whatisadogbite/
and also see Our Pack's article, The Truth About Pit Bulls www.ourpack.org/truthaboutpitbulls.html